Religious Education – RE

Our Religious Education curriculum is designed with the intent that all our children will be curious and inquisitive about the world around them.

Learning about and from religions is extremely important and we intend for all our pupils to learn to understand the world around them.

Religious Education in our school enables pupils to share their lived experiences and develop their knowledge of the world faiths.

Our aim is for our children to develop and maintain a respectful attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own, and towards living in a world of diverse religions.

Religious Education is valued as it is important to promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and to prepare all children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the present and the future.

Curriculum Implementation:

Our curriculum is based on the recently revised SACRE Birmingham Agreed Syllabus.

Our Religious Education curriculum is enriched with assemblies that focus on different religious stories and celebrations.

A half termly Religious Education Week is timetabled, and a sequence of lessons are planned with pupils’ learning evident in each class Floor Book.

We also pride ourselves on Religious Education visits to places of worship both physically and virtually throughout the academic year.

Through our quality first Religious Education curriculum our children learn to celebrate diversity, show respect for their own beliefs and for others.

Curriculum Impact:

Understanding religions and world views in local, national and global contexts is key and we encourage our pupils to ask questions about human life, beliefs, communities and ideas and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.

We celebrate the diverse make up of our school with over forty languages being spoken.

Through Religious Education our pupils consider British Values, including tolerance and respect for people who hold different faiths and worldviews and apply this to everyday situations.

We speak to our pupils about current issues in an age-appropriate way.

The assessment for learning slips demonstrate our broad and balanced Religious Education curriculum.

Throughout the key stages, there will be a clear progression of knowledge and skills.

Careers linked to Religious Education:

A Teacher

A Religious Leader


Charity Worker


Public Speaker

Youth Worker