Year 3
Year 3
We have had a very exciting half term in year 3
At the beginning of this half term the children were learning about a fictional unit on Myths and Legends. The children looked at a range of stories to analyse their features which also allowed them to identify the plots. From this we focused on characterisation and how we could include this in our stories. Near the end of this half term, the children also looked at informal letters. They analysed the language features and structure of an informal letter which helped them to become more confident in using a range of language features such as fronted adverbials and conjunctions to add on points.
In Maths we have continued to explore multiplication and division with a key focus on times tables. Children are becoming much more confident with their times tables and have been using a range of Maths equipment to support their learning. Additionally children are applying their knowledge to multiply and divide much larger numbers. Children are beginning to recognise the patterns with numbers and apply various strategies to help them work out challenging problems.
Our topic this half term has been light. We have discovered different light sources and discussed whether they are man-made or natural or both by looking around the school for light sources. To deepen our knowledge of light we explored shadows throughout the day.
We have been looking at the History of Britain from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, this half term. The children researched artefacts that have been recently discovered from this time period. They have also learnt how people in the Iron Age lived and farmed and the differences from our modern lives today.