Safeguarding – Advice For Parents
This page will contain safeguarding information for parents.
Click here for information regarding the Disrespect NoBody Campaign.
Click here to learn more about Forward Thinking Birmingham. The aim of this service is to make a world where mental health problems are not a barrier to children, young people or young adults achieving their dreams.
Click here for the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board. Here you can find information about safeguarding and where to go if worried about a child’s safety and/ or welfare.
Click here for ThinkUKnow, an award-winning on and offline safety programme for children and young people, professionals and parents that has been developed by the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.
Click here to find resources, publications, posters and other awareness raising material that will help us prevent child sexual abuse. Use the links to download and review Parents Protect! and Stop it Now!’s publications.
Click here for NSPCC’s online advice for parents- helping you make sure your child is safe online.
Click here to visit a website that educates you on ‘The Choking Game’. A dangerous (sometimes fatal) new craze practiced by young people today. You can also see a more in-depth powerpoint presentation on the subject here.