Chilwell Croft Academy’s PSHE statement

In Chilwell Croft PSHE is taught as part of the fundamental values on which our society is built. It is the basis for building confident and self-assured learners and is introduced through various topics and themes, resulting in pupils gaining a clear understanding of how important PSHE in everyday life.

Our overarching themes are: Healthy lifestyle, Personal Safety, Relationships and Living in the Wider World, which are embedded in the British Values.

Healthy Lifestyles

The teaching of Healthy lifestyles is covered through our Relationship, Self-Awareness and Drug Education programs. Pupils are introduced to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in KS1 by exploring the six key basic elements that address both physical and mental well-being. These are:

  • Heritage – Our values
  • Shared Rights and Responsibilities
  • Relationship Education
  • Finance Education
  • Drug Education
  • Mind Mood Attitude
  • Self-Awareness

In KS2 pupils address healthy lifestyles through drug and relationship education.  These include coverage of healthy relationships, keeping healthy and the dangers of substance abuse.  We aim to develop confident, self-assured learners who will apply this factual information in real life situations.

Pupils are encouraged to develop self- awareness skills and understand what peer pressure is -and strategies of how to handle difficult and challenging situations. As a result of this, pupils understand how their education equips them with the behaviours and attitudes necessary for success in their next stage of education, training or employment and for their adult life.

Personal Safety

This theme is incorporated in the majority of our units of work. Our anti-bullying programme runs throughout the school and helps prevent all forms of bullying, including online bullying and prejudice-based bullying. In addition to this, pupils are given the toolkit to get help and support if experiencing any issues.  The unit is extended in upper KS2 to identify prejudices, and extremism.  Pupils are taught to make informed choices about healthy relationships. In addition to this, Chilwell Croft Academy’s open culture actively promotes pupils safety.

Online safety is part of the unit from KS1 and pupils are made aware of the dangers that they may face when using technology.  Safety strategies are embedded throughout this curriculum resulting in pupils having an excellent understanding of how to stay safe online.

Relationship & Drug Education also covers aspects of personal safety and addresses issues related to CSE, FGM and abuse in relationships to ensure the promotion of healthy relationships.  Graduated themes culminates in Y6 having an overall awareness of how to stay safe in all different situations and being able to identify what risk/ exploitation  is and how to get help.  Our self- awareness unit encourages pupils to think about their own emotions, feelings and behaviour – how these impact others and the importance of respect , tolerance and fairness in various situations.

Understanding the Wider World

Our Heritage, Rights and Responsibilities and MMA (Mind Mood Attitude) units cover many aspects of personal responsibility & social interaction.  Pupils have a range of opportunities to explore our fundamental British Values and apply them to their personal situations.  They examine how these are demonstrated through services and practices in our society, whilst learning how to respect and appreciate different cultures and traditions. An understanding of finance and money is also part of our curriculum and this is addressed through the ‘Values, Money and Me’ programme.

Chilwell Croft Academy also considers current local issues and prepares our pupils with strategies to deal with real life situations.  Developing relationships, respect and tolerance are the foundation of our curriculum and all of our units cover these qualities from different perspectives.  We are proud that our curriculum offers our pupils a holistic education where they can become well rounded individuals, prepared for life and learning.

Chilwell PSHE SOW Overview 


Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA)

Chilwell Croft has begun working towards the Rights Respecting Schools Award. This is a UNICEF UK programme that aims to put children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK.

Our goal is to embed children’s rights in the ethos and community of the school to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.

We have set up a staff and pupil steering group which Miss Taylor (5T) is leading. Other members of our steering group are Mrs Wallace representing KS1 with Miss Ellis KS2. Mrs Gahir is also representing the parents. Mrs Grover will be the member of the senior leadership team on the steering group. We also have one child representing each class.

We have started to look into our school ethos and environment and are currently setting targets and devising a school action plan so that we can become a ‘rights respecting’ school.

We have achieve our recognition of commitment award (ROC). This is our first certificate and our first step towards become a rights respecting school. Now we are working towards our level one. This means we will have to carry out lots of work to raise the profile of children’s rights within our school.

We look forward to informing you of our further work and progress towards the award!


Student Council

At Chilwell Croft we are committed to hearing the children’s perspectives and allowing them to have an input in our school improvement actions. Each class voted for a pupil they would like to represent them through the student council. This year our student council members have been working closely with the RRSA pupils to raise the profile of children’s rights in our school.