

Chilwell Croft Music Lessons   

Vision Statement


At Chilwell Croft, we aim to provide a variety of musical experiences for the children. These include; singing assemblies; a lunchtime choir club and an afterschool music club, as well as weekly music lessons.

In music lessons, all children will be encouraged to sing and play instruments as well as learn about music composition, music history, and musical instruments.

The creative process encourages the development of oracy, promoting the use of different languages, eloquence, articulation, and the articulation of ideas and thoughts. We will also learn how to share thoughts and influence through talking, listening to others, and building the confidence to express our views and ideas.

Lessons aim to:

Develop children’s ability to take part in practical activities, both individually and in groups

Encourage and cultivate an enjoyment of participating in different genres of music making

Offer a breadth of musical experiences, listening opportunities, and opportunities to perform with others.

Reflect on the culture and society we live in by exploring many different musical genres.

Explore communication and creativity, by working with one another using a universal language.


It is our aim that all children at Chilwell Croft Academy experience a high-quality, inspiring music education which instills a life-long enjoyment of and appreciation for music.