Online Safety
At Chilwell Croft the safety of our pupils online is paramount.
The children are taught the importance of online safety through the PSHE Curriculum, specific for their year group, every year which addresses how to use the computers safely, what to do if something upsets them online and how to be a good digital citizen.
Every year, the children take part in ‘Safer Internet Day’ with other schools across the country to ensure that their knowledge is up to date with the latest goings-on in the world of E-safety.
There are regular Online Safety parental workshops led by our Pastoral Team and PSHE Lead which highlight the age restrictions for social media platforms, gaming and parental controls.
Online Safety advice is regularly sent out to our families and the weekly newsletter highlights online safety.
The following organisations provide resources:
Now Press Play
Filtering and Monitoring is maintained with regular updates received from Smoothwall Monitor to senior leaders. Smoothwall webinars are also attended by the PSHE Lead/DHT.